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The Golden Eagle Festival is an annual celebration held in the Bayan-Ulgii Province of Western Mongolia that commemorates the traditions of the Kazakh hunters. The festival is held over two days during early October. The Golden Eagle Festival is arranged by the local Kazakh community, a minority group within Mongolia that make up nearly 90% of the population living the Bayan-Uglii Province. Mongolian Kazakhs primarily practice Islam and have a distinct cultural heritage that differs to other Mongolians, part of the inspiration for the Golden Eagle Festival. In a historical context, Golden Eagles have been used by the Kazakhs for hunting over several centuries, the formation of the Golden Eagle Festival in 1999 aims to preserve their proud tradition. Whilst Golden Eagles are not commonly used in hunting anymore, many Kazakhs have kept these majestic birds as pets, allowing the Kazakhs owners to practice at a young age to become a berkutchi (Kazakh for Eagle Hunter).